Character Analysis of Caroline In Where Angels Fear to Tread

Caroline Abbott is a significant character in E.M. Forster’s novel “Where Angels Fear to Tread.” She serves as a counterpoint to many of the other English characters in the story, offering a different perspective and set of values. Here’s a detailed sketch of her character:

  1. Intellectual and Reflective: Caroline is portrayed as an intellectual and reflective woman. She often contemplates the deeper meanings and implications of her surroundings and situations, bringing a thoughtful perspective to the novel.
  2. Culturally Sensitive and Empathetic: Unlike some of the other English characters, Caroline exhibits a sensitivity and understanding towards Italian culture. She approaches situations and people with an open mind and empathy, allowing her to connect with the Italian characters in ways that others cannot.
  3. Independent and Nonconformist: Caroline stands out for her independence and nonconformity to the typical expectations of her social class and gender. She is not afraid to voice her opinions and make decisions based on her own moral compass, rather than societal norms.
  4. Moral Integrity and Compassion: One of Caroline’s defining traits is her moral integrity. She acts with a sense of compassion and fairness, often considering the welfare of others, particularly the less privileged characters in the novel.
  5. Contrast to Other English Characters: Caroline serves as a contrast, especially to characters like Harriet Herriton. Where others are judgmental or culturally insensitive, Caroline shows understanding and respect for differences. Her character highlights the possibility of cross-cultural understanding and empathy.
  6. Complex Relationships: Caroline’s relationships with other characters, including Philip Herriton and Gino, are complex and pivotal to the novel’s plot. Her interactions often reveal not just her own character but also serve to develop the characters of those around her.
  7. Agent of Change and Understanding: Throughout the novel, Caroline acts as an agent of change and understanding. She challenges the prejudices and assumptions of those around her and advocates for a more empathetic and open-minded approach to cultural and personal differences.

In summary, Caroline Abbott’s character in “Where Angels Fear to Tread” is marked by her intellectualism, cultural sensitivity, moral integrity, and nonconformist attitude. She plays a crucial role in the novel, not only in advancing the plot but also in highlighting themes of empathy, cultural understanding, and the importance of personal morality over societal conventions.

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According to Forster’s theory Caroline is a round character. Since in the plot we see that Caroline character goes in a very significant role. She is one of the best agents of the tragedy’s circumstance. She is person who is responsible for the reconciliation of the theme of the novel.

Caroline plays a very significant role in the novel. She is beautiful and romantic girl of twenty three. In the story she is an idealist girl but in the whole novel she possesses the quality of fascination. She is not the member of Heriton’s family but she is neighbour of their family in Swaston. Being neighbour of Herriton’s family she does not keep the quality of the family. In the quality of sentiment she possesses a different thinking from them. Lilia is senior to Caroline by the tenth year but she is friend of Lilia. There is close relationship between Lilia and Caroline. She is Swastonian but loves Italy. When with Lilia she reaches Monteriano, both fell in love with the charming young Italian, Gino. But she selflessly encourages the love of Lilia and Gino and they get married. Caroline had come with Lilia to save her from such things and she failed to do so. She encourages Lilia to send a wrong telegram saying that Lilia was married to an Italian noble man. But Gino was merely the son of a small town dentist. When a child was born to Lilia and Gino, and Lilia died in the Childbirth. Caroline tried to bring the baby back from Gino to Sweston. Becauses although she had seen that Gino was a warm human being. She thought that the child could best brought up in Swaston. She loves Gino, but she thought that the child should best be given to the Herritons for a proper upbringing. Both Abbott and Philip feel that they are saved the thought loving life even in its physical glory and he through leaning from her that no love can be degrading. One has to give oneself “body and soul” to be a true companion t the other sex. Life is not spectacle for the complete man. It is passion too.

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