A Critical Note On The Theme Of The Alchemist

The Alchemist is a play with wide scope. Commenting upon the themes of the play. V.A. Moffett Says, “In this ...
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Discuss the main limitations of Jonson technique

Discuss the main limitations of Jonson technique
Though he never went to a university, Jonson was well educated. By self-study he had acquired wide and deep knowledge ...
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Subtle Character Analysis in The Alchemist

Subtle Character Analysis in The Alchemist
The first scene opens with the quarrel between Face and Subtle, Doll Common intervening to bring them to their senses. ...
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Discuss The Alchemist Has A Topical Interest

Discuss The Alchemist Has A Topical Interest
The satire upon alchemy and Puritanism gives a topical interest to The Alchemist. In the days of Elizabeth the alchemists ...
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The Satirical Purpose Of The Alchemist

The Satirical Purpose Of The Alchemist
Satire comes from the Latin Satura, meaning originally a medley or miscellany; there is no etymological connection with ‘satyr’. Satire ...
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The Alchemist by Ben Johnson – Plot Summary and Analysis

The Alchemist by Ben Johnson - Plot Summary and Analysis
The Analysis of the plot reveals that it is all intrigue multiplied upon intrigue. Face (a name assumed and also ...
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Views Of Brutus For Which He Is Spoken Of As A Political Idealist

Views Of Brutus For Which He Is Spoken Of As A Political Idealist
Brutus is an abstract philosopher and idealist, dealing with abstract ideas of good and bad, with little or no insight ...
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The Significance Of The Storm In Act 1, Scene 3 Of Julius Caesar

The Significance Of The Storm In Act 1, Scene 3 Of Julius Caesar
Plutarch has mentioned that on the night preceding the murder, many strange sights were seen in Rome. Shakespeare took this ...
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A Note On Anachronisms In Julius Caesar

A Note On Anachronisms In Julius Caesar
In writing historical plays Shakespeare was anxious to recreate the personages spirit of the age which was being portrayed and ...
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Brutus’s action is the tragedy of Error

Brutus's action is the tragedy of Error
In killing Caesar, Brutus’s aim was to destroy Caesarism, as he told Caius, “Let us be sacrificers, but not butchers.” ...
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