Summary And Analysis Of Tigers In The Forest by Katie Bagli

Tigers In The Forest by Katie Bagli


No tiger! Not a trace.

Time up, back we race.

Soon they’d close the Sanctuary gates.

Ours was the last jeep

Still lingering inside the verdant greens,


Screech! The brakes are jammed.

I fell headlong on plump Mr.Sam.

Minnie banged her long pointed nose

And tumbled upon Mr Philly’s toes.

And Mr. Philly became desperate

As out of the jeep flew his beret.


The driver hissed, “Hush, hush!

Listen. Alarm calls all about us:”

True, the monkeys were chattering

And a distant peacock was miaowing.

Just then we saw her – a large tiger.


T19-what kind of a name

For such a charming, majestic dame..

Black stripes on orange

Gliding with such grace,

She peered at us through golden eyes

Full of haughty disdain,


Walking out regally from behinda bush she called-

No growl, no snarl, no roar

In a motherly affectionate voice

And there appeared in answer three cubs.



Though large and strong.

Only six months old, we were told.

Very playfully they followed their mum,

Frolicking, rollicking having so much fun.


Ignoring our excited presence

Their mother led them to her kill.

Here, they ate till their stomachs were filled.

And then all four settled to repose,

Lying on their backs, striking such a charming pose.


But now the driver was desperate,

“We have to leave with much haste”

While the jeep almost flew

Towards the sanctuary’s gates

We were full of good cheer, regaled.


Except for poor Philly,

The cause of his misery?

He had lost his precious beret,

He kept patting his bald pate.

But the cubs had gained a new toy

A soft, wooly beret with which to play.


The poem “Tigers in the Forest” by Katie Bagli captures a lively and amusing encounter with tigers in a wildlife sanctuary. The poem begins with a sense of urgency as the speaker’s group races against time to explore the sanctuary before its gates close. They are the last jeep remaining within the lush green environment. Suddenly, the brakes screech, causing chaos within the jeep. The humorous mishap results in the passengers falling over each other, and Mr. Philly losing his beret.

Amidst the commotion, the group realizes that the alarm calls of monkeys and the miaowing of a distant peacock indicate the presence of a tiger. The majestic creature appears – a large tiger with black stripes on orange fur. Despite her imposing appearance, she approaches gracefully, and her haughty golden eyes give way to a motherly voice as she calls her three cubs. The cubs join her, and the poem depicts their playful interactions.

The tiger leads her cubs to a kill where they eat heartily before settling down for a rest. The poem ends with the driver urging them to leave swiftly as they head towards the sanctuary’s gates. The group departs, delighted by the encounter, except for Mr. Philly, who has lost his beret. The cubs, however, find delight in their newfound toy.

“Tigers in the Forest” is an enchanting poem chronicling a safari adventure. A group of eager tourists embarks on a journey to spot a tiger in a wildlife sanctuary, only to face disappointment initially. However, a serendipitous encounter with a magnificent tiger named T19 and her lively cubs leaves them enthralled. The poem concludes with a humorous note, where a lost beret turns into a playful toy for the cubs, creating an enduring memory and a profound connection between the human world and the wild.

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  1. Structure and Tone:

The poem follows a narrative structure, taking readers on a sequential adventure filled with anticipation, excitement, and fulfillment. The conversational tone makes the reader an active participant in the journey, creating a sense of immediacy and engagement. The blend of descriptive language and lively dialogue adds to the poem’s charm, turning a simple wildlife expedition into a multi-layered exploration of human emotions and our relationship with nature.

  1. Theme: Connection with Nature

The poem’s central theme is our intrinsic connection with nature. It goes beyond a mere description of a thrilling encounter, urging readers to appreciate the beauty and complexity of the natural world. The travelers’ desperate quest to spot the tigers mirrors our own longing for authentic connections in a world often detached from its natural roots. By personalizing the experience and highlighting the amusing aspects of the wild, the poet encourages a renewed appreciation for nature’s magnificence and mystery.

  1. Imagery:

Katie Bagli employs vivid imagery to create a tangible sense of the sanctuary and the creatures within. Descriptions such as the tiger’s “Black stripes on orange” and her “golden eyes full of haughty disdain” paint a lifelike picture that captivates the reader’s imagination. The detailed imagery extends to the human characters, the jeep, and even the lost beret, adding depth and color to the entire experience. This visual storytelling not only enhances the poem’s appeal but also fosters a deeper understanding of the emotions and sensations involved.

  1. Characters:

The characters within the poem are portrayed with humor and individuality, each adding a unique flavor to the experience. Plump Mr. Sam, the long-nosed Minnie, desperate Mr. Philly, and the anxious driver all contribute to the dynamic and entertaining narrative. Their varied reactions to the tiger’s sighting reflect a range of human emotions and quirks, making the poem relatable and humanizing the experience of encountering the wild.

  1. Symbolism:

The beret in the poem symbolizes more than a mere object; it becomes a bridge between human civilization and the natural world. Initially a symbol of vanity and personal style, the beret’s transformation into a toy for the cubs serves as a reminder that even the most mundane human artifacts can find a place in the wild. This transformation illustrates the interconnectedness of all living things and challenges our perceptions of separation from the natural world.

  1. Emotion and Experience:

The poem’s emotional landscape is rich and varied, taking readers on a roller-coaster ride from anticipation to disappointment, excitement, joy, and finally fulfillment. The initial fruitless search for the tiger leads to a collective sense of defeat, only to be replaced by the exhilaration of the unexpected encounter. The poet masterfully conveys the emotional intensity of the experience, making readers feel as if they were part of the journey, sharing in the joy and wonder.

  1. Perspective on Wildlife:

T19’s impersonal name stands in stark contrast to her majestic and maternal presence, symbolizing the often detached and scientific approach we take towards wildlife. By giving the tiger feminine and motherly traits, the poet challenges this impersonality, urging us to see animals as individual beings with unique personalities and emotions. This perspective fosters a deeper connection with nature and encourages respect and empathy towards all living creatures.

  1. Humor:

The poem’s humor is skillfully woven into the narrative, adding lightness and making the reading experience more enjoyable. From falling on Mr. Sam to the amusing mishap with the beret, the humorous elements blend seamlessly with the poem’s deeper themes. The humor doesn’t detract from the poem’s profundity; instead, it enhances the sense of connection and accessibility, making the themes more relatable and engaging.

  1. Ending:

The poem’s ending provides a satisfying and thought-provoking conclusion. The amusing twist of the lost beret becoming a toy for the cubs leaves the reader with a smile, while also prompting reflection on the interconnectedness of all things. It serves as a reminder that even the simplest encounters with nature can be filled with meaning and beauty, and that our actions and possessions can have unexpected consequences in the wild.


“Tigers in the Forest” by Katie Bagli is a multifaceted poem that succeeds in entertaining, educating, and inspiring readers. Through a blend of vivid imagery, engaging characters, thoughtful symbolism, rich emotion, humor, and a unique perspective on wildlife, the poem offers a refreshing and profound exploration of our relationship with the natural world. It invites us to not only observe but to truly connect and reflect on our place within the ecosystem. The charming narrative combined with the poem’s deeper philosophical underpinnings makes it a must-read for anyone interested in nature, literature, or simply a delightful adventure.



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