The Classical School of Poetry | Neo Classicism

The Classical School of Poetry | Neo Classicism | Neo Classical Poetry
The Age of Pope (broadly speaking the period from 1702 to 1740) is called the classical or neo-classical or pseudo-classical ...
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Define Puritan Poetry

The Puritans had their songsters who included Andrew Marvell and John Milton. The Civil War made a breach in the ...
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Define Cavalier Poetry

Define Cavalier Poetry
Among the poets who had written verses lamenting the death of Donne had been Thomas Carew (1598-1639), one of the ...
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Define Metaphysical Poetry

Define Metaphysical Poetry
The term “Metaphysical” was first applied to poetry by Dr. Johnson who borrowed it from Dryden’s phrase “he affects the ...
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Elizabethan Poetry | Song and Sonnet Writers of Elizabethan Age

Elizabethan Poetry | Song and Sonnet Writers of Elizabethan Age
Elizabethan England was suited to the growth of highly imaginative and lyrical poetry. It begins with the first efforts of ...
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Medieval Poetry | Middle English Poetry

Medieval Poetry | Middle English Poetry
The Norman Conquest brought England more than a change of rulers. When the jongleur Taillefer rode up towards Senlac ahead ...
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Explain the Dark Lady of Shakespeare Sonnets

Explain the Dark Lady of Shakespeare Sonnets
According to Edward Dowden, “Shakespeare at some time of his life was snared by a woman. The reverse of beautiful, ...
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Note On Mr. W.H. In Relation To Shakespeare’s Sonnets

Note On Mr. W.H. In Relation To Shakespeare’s Sonnets
V. L. Barnish writes, “many suggestions have been made as to the identity of the Friend. The two main contenders ...
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A Short Note On The Use Of Imagery In Shakespeare’s Sonnets

A Short Note On The Use Of Imagery In Shakespeare’s Sonnets
Imagery is probably the feature of language which we most associate with poetry and its use in the sonnet is ...
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Explain the conceits in Shakespeare’s Sonnets

Explain the conceits in Shakespeare's Sonnets
Shakespeare’s sonnets are beautiful pieces of lyric poetry. In their variety of imagery, unrivalled expression, felicity of phrase, wealth of ...
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