The Renaissance and the Reformation

The Renaissance and the Reformation
Renaissance (“rebirth”) is the name commonly applied to the period of European history following the Middle Ages. It is said ...
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Objective Questions From The Duchess of Malfi

Objective Questions From The Duchess of Malfi
What was the name of the Duke in The Duchess of Malfi? (a) Alexander (b) Robert (c) Spencer (d) Ferdinand ...
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Webster was a genius gone astray in The Duchess of Malfi

Webster was a genius gone astray in The Duchess of Malfi
Really Webster was a genius gone astray. In this connection E. Albert was rightly remarked that he was of wide ...
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The Duchess of Malfi is melodrama raised to the level of tragedy

The Duchess of Malfi is melodrama raised to the level of tragedy
The Duchess of Malfi has been highly praised by one critic after another, and Edmund Gosse goes to the extent ...
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Critical Note On The Use Of Imagery In The Duchess of Malfi

Critical Note On The Use Of Imagery In The Duchess of Malfi
Webster is wise and man of deep experiences. He uses phrases, good sayings and imageries when he is in high ...
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John Webster’s Art of Characterization

John Webster's Art of Characterization
Webster is the greatest figure among Jacobean dramatists. His greatness is fully brought out by the fact that he is ...
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Webster’s Contribution to the Tradition of the Revenge Play

Webster's Contribution to the Tradition of the Revenge Play
The Revenge Tragedy as its name implies is a tragic play in which the tragedy results from the revenge that ...
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The Plot-construction of the Duchess of Malfi

Critically examine the Plot-construction of the Dutchess of Malfi
Plot-construction of Webster is Satisfactory and praiseworthy. As usual, he takes two plots. One is main plot and the other ...
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Emphasis on Action Rather Than on Character in Webster play

Emphasis on Action Rather Than on Character in Webster play
The result is that the people in his tragedies become representative rather than individual and are viewed in terms of ...
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