Jane Austen As a Novelist

Jane Austen As a Novelist
The literary historian will note that the nineteenth century was to produce work of fiction of far greater significance than ...
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Women Novelist of the Victorian Era | English Women Novelist

Women Novelist of the Victorian Era | English Women Novelist
Women Novelists: A whole galaxy of women novelists wrote novels in English. In the eighteenth century there were already some ...
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Short Notes On Feminist Fiction

Short Notes On Feminist Fiction
The word feminism comes from French word feminism and according to the Cambridge online dictionary feminism is “the belief that ...
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Science Fiction – Definition & Meaning

Science Fiction - Definition & Meaning
Science Fiction is a literary genre of speculative fiction that naturally deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced ...
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Stream of Consciousness Novel

Stream of Consciousness Novel
Stream of Consciousness Novel is a modern development and reflects recent interest in the psycho-analytical school of Jung, Freud and ...
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Historical Novel – Definition & Meaning

Historical Novel - Definition & Meaning
The historical novel was a development of romance, just as the work of Jane Austen is a culmination of the ...
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Gothic Novel – Definition & Meaning

Gothic Novel - Definition & Meaning
Horace Walpole is the founder of gothic school of novelists. Gothic novel was a novel of mystery and imagination. The ...
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Picaresque Novel – Definition & Meaning

Picaresque Novel - Definition & Meaning
Picaresque narrative is an important predecessor of the later novel which emerged in sixteenth century Spain, although the most popular ...
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20th Century Poetic Drama

20th Century Poetic Drama
The poetic drama had a late start in England. During the thirty years from 1890 to 1920 the pure poetic ...
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Sentimental Comedy – Definition & Meaning

Sentimental Comedy - Definition & Meaning
Sentimental comedy is an 18th-century dramatic genre which sprang up as a reaction to the immoral tone of English Restoration ...
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